Şablon:Merkezi işlem birimi bilgi kutusu
(Şablon:Cpu sayfasından yönlendirildi)
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Bu şablon karmaşık ve ileri düzey özellikler kullanan hassas bir yapıya sahiptir. Düzenleme yapmadan önce kullanım mantığına ve ayrıştırıcı işlevlere dair bilgi edinmeniz şiddetle önerilir. Bu şablon çok sayıda sayfada kullanıldığından eğer düzenlemeleriniz beklenmeyen sonuçlara yol açarsa lütfen derhal geri alın. Burada değişiklik yapmadan önce deneme tahtasında ya da kendi kullanıcı alanınızda deneme yapmanız önerilir. |
This template is for CPUs. For generic hardware components, see Template:Infobox Computer Hardware Generic.
{{Infobox CPU | name = | image = | image_size = | caption = | produced-start = | produced-end = | slowest = | fastest = | slow-unit = | fast-unit = | fsb-slowest = | fsb-fastest = | fsb-slow-unit = | fsb-fast-unit = | hypertransport-slowest = | hypertransport-fastest = | hypertransport-slow-unit = | hypertransport-fast-unit = | qpi-slowest = | qpi-fastest = | qpi-slow-unit = | qpi-fast-unit = | dmi-slowest = | dmi-fastest = | dmi-slow-unit = | dmi-fast-unit = | size-from = | size-to = | soldby = | designfirm = | manuf1 = | core1 = | sock1 = | pack1 = | brand1 = | arch = | microarch = | cpuid = | code = | numcores = | l1cache = | l2cache = | l3cache = | application = }}
değiştir{{Infobox CPU | name = Cihazın İsmi | image = An image to show in the infobox | image_size = Size of the image (defaults to 200px) | caption = A caption for the image | produced-start = When production began | produced-end = When production ended | slowest = Lowest maximum CPU clock | fastest = Highest maximum CPU clock | slow-unit = Unit for slow speed. Default: GHz | fast-unit = Unit for fast speed. Default: GHz | fsb-slowest = Slowest FSB speed | fsb-fastest = Fastest FSB speed | fsb-slow-unit = Unit for slow speed. Default: MHz | fsb-fast-unit = Unit for fast speed. Default: MHz | hypertransport-slowest = Slowest HyperTransport speed | hypertransport-fastest = Fastest HyperTransport speed | hypertransport-slow-unit = Unit for slow speed. Default: GT/s | hypertransport-fast-unit = Unit for fast speed. Default: GT/s | qpi-slowest = Slowest QPI (QuickPath Interconnect) speed | qpi-fastest = Fastest QPI speed | qpi-slow-unit = Unit for slow speed. Default: GT/s | qpi-fast-unit = Unit for fast speed. Default: GT/s | dmi-slowest = Slowest DMI (Direct Media Interface) speed | dmi-fastest = Fastest DMI speed | dmi-slow-unit = Unit for slow speed. Default: GT/s | dmi-fast-unit = Unit for fast speed. Default: GT/s | size-from = Fabrication size | size-to = Another fabrication size | soldby = Often, but not always, the same as the designfirm and/or manuf1 | designfirm = Often, but not always, the same as manuf1 and/or soldby | manuf1 = Common manufacturers of the device (1-5) | core1 = Names of the cores (1-9) | sock1 = Names of the sockets that the cpu was made for (1-5) | pack1 = Names of CPU packages (1-5) | brand1 = Marketing names of the CPU (1-9) | arch = Instruction set architecture that the cpu implements | microarch = Microarchitecture of the cpu | cpuid = CPUID or PVR value | code = numerical identifier for the CPU (product code) | numcores = Number of cores (2 for dual-core) | l1cache = Level 1 cache size | l2cache = Level 2 cache size | l3cache = Level 3 cache size | application = Typical application (Embedded, Mobile, Desktop, Server) }}
All fields, except 'name' are optional
manuf, core, sock, pack, arch, and microarch are AutoLinks, so you can use plain text or a link for them.
The numbered attributes mean that there is allowance for multiples.
See the talk page for some examples which show the full usage of this infobox in a few combinations.