Amerind dilleri
Kızılderili dilleri ya da Amerind dilleri, Sibirya kökenli Na-Dene dilleri dışındaki bütün Kızılderili halklarının konuştuğu dilleri toplayan ve Joseph Greenberg tarafından 1960 yılında ortaya atılan tartışmalı makro-dil ailesi. Greenberg, Yeni Dünya yerli dillerini üç ana aile olarak düzenler: Eskimo-Aleut dilleri, Na-Dene dilleri ve Amerind dilleri. 1987 yılında yayımladığı Language in the Americas adlı kitap, çok sayıda metodolojik kusura sahiptir ve önerdiği benzerlikler tarihî dilbilimcilerin çoğu tarafından reddedilir.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]
Amerind dilleri | |
Coğrafi dağılım | Yeni Dünya |
Sınıflandırma | Amerind–Nostratik
Alt bölümler | |
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değiştirAn Amerind Etymological Dictionary (Joseph Greenberg and Merritt Ruhlen, Stanford University, 2007) adını taşıyan çalışmaya göre sınıflandırma şöyledir:
- Kuzey ve Orta Amerika Amerind dilleri
- Kuzey Amerind dilleri
- Almosan–Keresiouan
- Algonkin–Vakaş dilleri
- Keres-Siyu dilleri (Keresiouan)
- Kado dilleri
- İrokua dilleri
- Keres dilleri
- Siouan–Yuchi
- Almosan–Keresiouan
- Penuti–Hoka dilleri
- Penuti dilleri
- Çimşiyan dilleri
- Çinuk dilleri
- Oregon Penuti dilleri
- Plato Penuti dilleri
- California
- Zunice
- Gulf
- Meksika Penuti dilleri
- Hoka dilleri
- Kuzey Hoka dilleri
- Karok–Shasta
- Karukça
- Çimarikoca
- Shasta–Achomawi
- Yanaca
- Pomo dilleri
- Karok–Shasta
- Vaşoca
- Salinan–Chumash
- Seri–Yuman
- Waicuri–Quinigua
- Coahuiltecan
- Tequistlatec
- Subtiaba
- Jicaque
- Yurumangui
- Kuzey Hoka dilleri
- Penuti dilleri
- Orta Amerika Amerind dilleri
- Kuzey Amerind dilleri
- Güney Amerind dilleri
- And–Çibça–Paez
- Çibça–Paez
- And
- Ekvator–Tucano
- Ekvator
- Makro-Tucano
- Ge–Pano–Karib
- And–Çibça–Paez
değiştir- Adelaar, Willem F. H. (1989). [Review of Greenberg, Language in the Americas]. Lingua, 78, 249-255.
- Berman, Howard. (1992). A comment on the Yurok and Kalapuya data in Greenberg's Language in the Americas. International Journal of American Linguistics, 58 (2), 230-233.
- Bonnichsen, Robson; & Steele, D. Gentry (Eds.). (1994). Method and theory for investigating the peopling of the Americas. Peopling of the Americas publications. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Center for the Study of the First Americans. ISBN 0-912933-09-7.
- Campbell, Lyle. (1988). [Review of Language in the Americas, Greenberg 1987]. Language, 64, 591-615.
- Campbell, Lyle. (1997). American Indian languages: The historical linguistics of Native America. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-509427-1.
- Campbell, Lyle; Poser, William J. (2008) Language Classification, History and Method, Cambridge University Press
- Chafe, Wallace. (1987). [Review of Greenberg 1987]. Current Anthropology, 28, 652-653.
- Delbrück, Berthold (1880), Einleitung in das Sprachstudium. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Methodik der vergleichenden Sprachforschung, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, OCLC: 3961260
- Goddard, Ives. (1987). [Review of Joseph Greenberg, Language in the Americas]. Current Anthropology, 28, 656-657.
- Goddard, Ives. (1990). [Review of Language in the Americas by Joseph H. Greenberg]. Linguistics, 28, 556-558.
- Goddard, Ives. (1996). The classification of native languages of North America. In I. Goddard (Ed.), Languages (pp. 290–323). Handbook of North Americans Indians (Vol. 17). Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution.
- Goddard, Ives (Ed.). (1996). Languages. Handbook of North American Indians (W. C. Sturtevant, General Ed.) (Vol. 17). Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution. ISBN 0-16-048774-9.
- Goddard, Ives; & Campbell, Lyle. (1994). The history and classification of American Indian languages: What are the implications for the peopling of the Americas?. In R. Bonnichsen & D. Steele (Eds.), Method and theory for investigating the peopling of the Americas (pp. 189–207). Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University.
- Golla, Victor. (1987). [Review of Joseph H. Greenberg: Language in the Americas]. Current Anthropology, 28, 657-659.
- Golla, Victor. (1988). [Review of Language in the Americas, by Joseph Greenberg]. American Anthropologist, 90, 434-435.
- Greenberg, Joseph H. (1960). General classification of Central and South American languages. In A. Wallace (Ed.), Men and cultures: Fifth international congress of anthropological and ethnological sciences (1956) (pp. 791–794). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Greenberg, Joseph H. (1987). Language in the Americas. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Greenberg, Joseph H. (1987). Language in the Americas: Author's précis. Current Anthropology, 28, 647-652.
- Greenberg, Joseph H. (1989). Classification of American Indian languages: A reply to Campbell. Language, 65, 107-114.
- Greenberg, Joseph H. (1996). In defense of Amerind. International Journal of American Linguistics, 62, 131-164.
- Greenberg, Joseph H.; Ruhlen, Merritt (2007), An Amerind Etymological Dictionary (PDF), Department of Anthropology, Stanford University, 25 Aralık 2010 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF) arşivlendi, erişim tarihi: 12 Aralık 2012
- Kimball, Geoffrey. (1992). A critique of Muskogean, 'Gulf,' and Yukian materials in Language in the Americas. International Journal of American Linguistics, 58, 447-501.
- Matisoff, James. (1990). On megalo-comparison: A discussion note. Language, 66, 106-120.
- Mithun, Marianne. (1999). The languages of Native North America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-23228-7 (hbk); ISBN 0-521-29875-X.
- Nichols, Johanna (1992), Linguistic diversity in space and time, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-58056-3
- Poser, William J. (1992). The Salinan and Yurumanguí data in Language in the Americas. International Journal of American Linguistics, 58 (2), 202-229. PDF 22 Eylül 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Rankin, Robert. (1992). [Review of Language in the Americas by J. H. Greenberg]. International Journal of American Linguistics, 58 (3), 324-351.
- Ringe, Don (2000). Some relevant facts about historical linguistics. In: Renfrew, Colin (Ed.), America Past, America Present: Genes and Languages in the Americas and Beyond (pp. 139–62). Cambridge, UK: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
- Ruhlen, Merritt (1994), "Evolution of Language", Macey, Sam (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Time, New York: Garland Science, ISBN 0-8153-0615-6
- Ruhlen, Merritt (1994), "Linguistic Evidence for the Peopling of the Americas", Bonnichsen, Robson; Steele, D. Gentry (Ed.), Method and Theory for Investigating the Peopling of the Americas, Corvallis, Oregon: Center for the Study of the First Americans, Oregon State University, ss. 177-188, ISBN 0-912933-09-7
- Ruhlen, Merritt (Kasım 1994), "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose", Mother Tongue (Newsletter of the Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory), 23, ss. 72-73, OCLC: 35315526
- Ruhlen, Merritt (1994), "Review of 'Linguistic Diversity in Space and Time' By Johanna Nichols", Anthropos, Anthropos Institute, cilt 89, ss. 640-641, ISSN 0257-9774
- Ruhlen, Merritt (1994), On the Origin of Languages: Studies in Linguistic Taxonomy, Stanford: Stanford University Press, ISBN 0-8047-2321-4
- Ruhlen, Merritt (Mart 1995), "A Note on Amerind Pronouns", Mother Tongue (Newsletter of the Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory), 24, ss. 60-61, OCLC: 35315526
- Ruhlen, Merritt (Mart 1995), "Proto-Amerind *QETS' 'Left (Hand)'", Mother Tongue Newsletter, Association for the Study of Language In Prehistory (ASLIP), 24, ss. 69-70, OCLC: 35315526
- Ruhlen, Merritt (1995), "On the Origin of the Amerind Pronominal Pattern", Chen, Matthew Y.; Tzeng, Ovid J. L. (Ed.), In Honor of William S-Y. Wang, Taipei: Pyramid Press, ss. 405-407, ISBN 957-9268-55-X
- Ruhlen, Merritt (Ocak 1995), "Proto-Amerind Numerals", Anthropological Science, Tokyo: Anthropological Society of Nippon, 103 (3), ss. 209-225, ISSN 1348-8570
- Ruhlen, Merritt (2004), "On the Amerind Origin of the Proto-Algonquian Numeral Suffix *-a:šyeka", Jones, Martin (Ed.), Traces of ancestry: studies in honour of Colin Renfrew, Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, ss. 139-142, ISBN 1-902937-25-2
- Sapir, Edward (1984), "Letter to A. L. Kroeber (1918)", The Sapir-Kroeber correspondence: letters between Edward Sapir and A. L. Kroeber, 1905–1925, Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, OCLC: 17922146
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