Dosya:Bird notes (1913) (14563402449).jpg

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English: Pytilia melba and Pytilia afra illustrated by Herbert Goodchild

Identifier: birdnotesns04fore (find matches)
Title: Bird notes
Year: 1902 (1900s)
Authors: Foreign Bird Club National British Bird and Mule Club
Subjects: Birds -- Periodicals Birds -- Great Britain Periodicals
Publisher: Brighton : Foreign Bird Club : National British Bird and Mule Club
Contributing Library: American Museum of Natural History Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library

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Text Appearing Before Image:
s. 24 All other species Tanagers. 25 All species of True Bull>nls (l//r„n/i,>fi,ln), Pckin and Bhu; Robins,Dayal Birds, and Shamas. 20 All species Crows, Mynahs, Starlings. Hangnosts, Tronjjials, CowBirds, Cassiques, and Marsh Birds. 27 Pied, Albino, Lutino, Melanistic, or other abnormally coloured birds,Blue Budgerigars and Foreign Bird Hybrids. 28 All other species not previously mentioned, including Birds of Para-dise, Manucodes, Touracos, Toucans, Trogons, Tyrants. Shirkes, FlycatchersWoodpeckers, Kingfishers, Barbets, Pittas and Thrush-like Birds, etc. It will be seen that there is every opportunity for keepers of commonas well as rare birds to compete upon fair grounds. Only 402 entries are re-(juired to make a complete success of the experiment and I therefore takethe liliertv of asking members of the Foreign Bird Club to endeavour to makeit, ))(issibli; to hold a really good show of foreign birds by sending as manyentries as they possildy can. ALLEN SILVER. BIRD NOTES.
Text Appearing After Image:
H.GoodcKad del. HaLi Litlf londoa. ME LB A FINCH (Pytelia. melt a,)RED FACED FINCH (P^rteKa. a.-fra,) All 7ii(/hfs RrsrrvcJ. July, 1913. BIRD NOTES: THE JOURNAL OF THE FOREIGN BIRD CLUB Three Pyteliae By T. Paoe. F.Z.S., Etc. So far as I know, noii(> of this l)(autiful j^omis havebeen bred in Great Rritaiii. It is an African g-oDus. Init theonly species I propose rofcMriny to in those notes are: The Melba Finch (Pyfrlia melha). The Eed-faced Finch (P. afra). The Crimson-winged Finch (P. phonenicopfera). With Mr. Goodcliilds beautiful drawing as our frontis-piece, but little in the way of eulogy will be needed, andmost bird-lovers, evon if they have not kept them, have madetheir acquaintance on the show bench. Melba Finch (Pi/trlia fZonogastrisJ melha). Well as■this beautiful species is known not a great deal has beenwritten about it, and unfortunately the claims upon my timeat this juncture, do not permit of any systematic research orcompilation. Captain Shelley states th

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

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  • bookid:birdnotesns04fore
  • bookyear:1902
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Foreign_Bird_Club
  • bookauthor:National_British_Bird_and_Mule_Club
  • booksubject:Birds____Periodicals
  • booksubject:Birds____Great_Britain_Periodicals
  • bookpublisher:Brighton___Foreign_Bird_Club___National_British_Bird_and_Mule_Club
  • bookcontributor:American_Museum_of_Natural_History_Library
  • booksponsor:Biodiversity_Heritage_Library
  • bookleafnumber:261
  • bookcollection:biodiversity
  • bookcollection:americanmuseumnaturalhistory
  • bookcollection:americana
  • BHL Collection
  • BHL Consortium
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