AçıklamaBudapest 2 ker Szilagyi Erzsebet fasor Raoul Wallenberg szobor IMG 0479-1000.jpg
English: Raoul Wallenberg Memorial - Budapest, 2nd district, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor - Nagyajtai utca crossing (Hungary). Erected in 1987. Sculptor: Imre Varga
Magyar: Raoul Wallenberg emlékmű - Budapest II. kerület, Pasarét városrész, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor - Nagyajtai utca kereszteződése. Felállítva: 1987-ben. Szobrász: Varga Imre
Bu ve diğer görüntülerin konumlarını şurada belirle: OpenStreetMap
47.513679; 19.003218
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This reproduction is permitted under article 68 of the Hungarian copyright law (1999/LXXVI), which specifies that if a fine art, architectural or applied art creation is erected with a permanent character outdoors in a public place, a view of it may be made and used without the authorization of the author and paying remuneration to him.
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=Raoul Wallenberg Memorial - Budapest, 2nd district, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor (Hungary). Erected in 1987. Sculptor: Imre Varga}} {{hu|1=Raoul Wallenberg emlékmű - Budapest, 2. ker., Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor. Felállít
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