Getrewliche Abkonterfeyung, wie Gust. Adolf / am Palmsonntag 1631 / die gute Stadt Franckfurt a. d. Oder / nach kurzer Belägerung erstürmet / und grausam ausgeplündert hat. / Gott bewahr uns gnädiglich vor gleichen Schrecken!
[True depiction, [showing] how Gustavus Adolphus / on Palm Sunday 1631 / the good town Frankfurt (Oder) / after a short siege stormed / and horribly looted [it]. / God mercifully protect us from such horrors!]
Caption :
Sturm auf das Lebuser-Thor
[Storming of the Lebus Gate]
Publisher's mark border left:
Druck u. Verlag v. P. Zickerow - Frankfurt a. O. (Mai 98)
[Druck und Verlag von Paul Zickerow - Frankfurt (Oder) (Mai 1898)] [Print and publishing by Paul Zickerow - Frankfurt (Oder) (May 1898)]
Orijinal: unknown Türetilmiş iş: Paul Zickerow, Frankfurt a.O.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Bu çalışma 1 Ocak 1930 tarihinden önce yayımlanmıştır (veya ABD Telif Hakkı Ofisinde kayıtlıdır). Bu nedenle eser ABD'de kamu malıdır.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
The copyright situation of this work is theoretically uncertain, because in the country of origin copyright lasts 70 years after the death of the author, and the date of the author's death is unknown. However, the date of creation of the work was over 120 years ago, and it is thus a reasonable assumption that the copyright has expired (see here for the community discussion). Do not use this template if the date of death of the author is known.
Note that a few countries have copyright terms longer than 70 years: Mexico has 100 years, Jamaica has 95 years, Colombia has 80 years, and Guatemala and Samoa have 75 years. This image may not be in the public domain in these countries, which moreover do not implement the rule of the shorter term. Honduras has a general copyright term of 75 years, but it does implement the rule of the shorter term. Copyright may extend on works created by French who died for France in World War II (more information), Russians who served in the Eastern Front of World War II (known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia) and posthumously rehabilitated victims of Soviet repressions (more information).
{{Information |Description={{pl|1=Oblężenie Frankfurtu nad Odrą przez Szwedów w 1631: natarcie na Bramę Lubuską}} |Source=postcard |Author=Verlag of P. Zickerow, Frankfurt a.O. |Date=May 1898 |Permission= |other_versions= }} [[Category:Frankfurt (O
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