English: Plot of the number of moons discovered in a year vs. the year number, up to 2019, using the discovery years given in wikipedia's list of natural satellites. The first peak at 1980 was caused by Voyager 1; the second at 1986 caused by Voyager 2. The peaks in recent times is caused by improvements to ground- and Earth orbit-based optical telescopes. The drop off after 2007 is probably due to discoveries that have been announced with considerable delay (the 20 objects announced in 2019 were first observed in 2004).
atıf – Esere yazar veya lisans sahibi tarafından belirtilen (ancak sizi ya da eseri kullanımınızı desteklediklerini ileri sürmeyecek bir) şekilde atıfta bulunmalısınız.
benzer paylaşım – Maddeyi yeniden karıştırır, dönüştürür veya inşa ederseniz, katkılarınızı orijinal olarak aynı veya uyumlu lisans altında dağıtmanız gerekir.
Created using Gnuplot with the following commands:
set terminal svg
set output '/Moons.svg'
set key off
set boxwidth 0.9 relative
set style fill solid 1.0
set xlabel 'Year'
set ylabel 'Number'
set xrange [1600:2025]
set yrange [*:*]
set title 'Number of natural satellites discovered vs. year of discovery'
plot '/Moons.txt' with boxes lt 1
{{Information |Description={{en|Plot of the number of moons discovered in a year vs. the year number, up to 2008, using the discovery years at [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_moons&oldid=197826609]. The first peak at 1980 was caused by
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