AçıklamaNAVCAM top 10 at 10 km – 7 (15763681495).jpg
English: ESA’s comet-chasing Rosetta mission spent much of the second half of October orbiting Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko at less than 10 km from its surface. This selection of previously unpublished ‘beauty shots’, taken by Rosetta’s navigation camera, presents the varied and dramatic terrain of this mysterious world from this close orbit phase of the mission.
Some light contrast enhancements have been made to emphasise certain features and to bring out features in the shadowed areas. In reality, the comet is extremely dark -– blacker than coal. The images, taken in black-and-white, are grey-scaled according to the relative brightness of the features observed, which depends on local illumination conditions, surface characteristics and composition of the given area. Some slight vignetting can also be seen in the corners of some images.
This photography is a RosettaNAVCAM image created by the European Space Agency (ESA). Their website states : "All Rosetta NAVCAM images are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO License. The user is allowed to reproduce, distribute, adapt, translate and publicly perform this publication, without explicit permission, provided that the content is accompanied by an acknowledgement that the source is credited as "ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM, CC BY-SA IGO 3.0" as the source. A direct link to the license text is provided and that it is clearly indicated if changes were made to the original content. If any changes are made to the images, remix, translate or adaptation must be published under the same license terms (CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO) or a compatible license. You must also not give any suggestion that ESA necessarily endorses the modifications that you have made." To the uploader: You must provide a link (URL) to the original file and the authorship information if available.
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benzer paylaşım – Maddeyi yeniden düzenler, dönüştürür veya inşa ederseniz, katkılarınızı özgünüyle aynı veya uyumlu lisans altında dağıtmanız gerekir.
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