Hans-Joachim Born

Hans-Joachim Born (8 Mayıs 1909 – 15 Nisan 1987), Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Chemie'de eğitim görmüş bir Alman radyokimyacıdır. İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın sonuna kadar Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Hirnforschung'da Nikolaj Vladimirovich Timofeev-Resovskij'in Abteilung für Experimentelle Genetik'inde çalıştı. Dünya Savaşı'nın sonunda Ruslar tarafından esir alındı. Krasnoyarsk PoW kampından kurtarıldıktan sonra, başlangıçta Nikolaus Riehl'in grubunda Elektrostal, Rusya'daki 12 Nolu Fabrikada çalıştı, ancak 1947'nin sonunda Sungul'da Ob'ekt takma adıyla bilinen bir sharashka'da çalışmaya gönderildi. 0211. Sungul'un tesisinde tekrar Timofeev-Resovskij yönetimindeki bir biyolojik araştırma bölümünde çalıştı. 1950'lerin ortalarında Doğu Almanya'ya vardığında Born, Berlin'in Buch kentindeki Institut für Angewandte Isotopenforschung'un direktörü oldu. Habilitasyonunu Technische Hochschule Dresden'de tamamladı ve burada Fakultät für Kerntechnik'de profesör oldu. 1957'de Batı Almanya'daki Technische Hochschule München'de radyokimya profesörü olmak için bir çağrı aldı ve kabul etti.

Born Berlin'de doğdu. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Chemie'de Otto Hahn yönetiminde radyokimyacı olarak eğitim gördü ve eğitim gördü. Doktorasını aldıktan sonra, 1930'larda Hahn'ın Asistanı (Asistanı) oldu.[1][2]

Seçilmiş Yayınlar


Bu liste alıntılarının çoğu, Google, Google Akademik ve Energy Citations Database'de 26 Ağustos 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi. yazarın isminin varyasyonları taranarak toplanmıştır.

  • H. J. Born Title Experiments with Radioactive Phosphorus in Rats [In German], Naturwissenschaften Volume 28, 476 (1940)
  • H. J. Born, N. W. Timofeeff-Ressovsky, and K. G. Zimmer Anwendungen der Neutronen und der künstlich radioaktiven Stoffe in Chemie und Biologe, Umschau Volume 45, # 6, 83-87 (1941)
  • H. J. Born, N. W. Timoféeff-Ressovsky and K. G. Zimmer Biologische Anwendungen des Zählrohres, Naturwissenschaften Volume 30, Number 40, 600-603 (1942). The authors were identified as being in the Genetics Department of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin-Buch.
  • G. I. (H. J.) Born, N. Riehl, K. G. Zimmer Efficiency of Luminescence Production by Beta Rays in Zinc Sulfide [In Russian], Doklaky Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R. Volume 59, March 1269 – 1272 (1948)
  • H. J. Born Habilitationsschrift: Radiochemie und Anwendung radioaktiver Isotope, Technische Hochschule Dresden (1956)
  • G. I. (H. J.) Born, K. F. Vayss, M. G. Kobaladze On Resolution of Some Analytical Problems Pertaining to Rare Earths by Means of Radioactivation Analysis [In Russian], Trans. Comm. Anal. Khim. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. Volume 7, No. 10, 104-118 (1956). Translated from Referat. Zhur. Khim. No. 4, 1957, Abstract No. 12059. Institutional affiliation: Commission on Analytical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR.
  • H.-J. Born and H. Stärk Quantitative Determination of Iodine and Iodine Compounds on Chromatographic Paper. By Neutron Activation, Atomkernenergie Volume 4, 286-289 (1959). Institutional affiliation: Technische Hochschule München.
  • H. J. Born The Significance of Preparative Radiochemistry for the Application of Radio-Nuclides in Research and Industry, Kerntechnik Volume 3, 515-518 (1961). Institutional affiliation: Technische Universität München.
  • P. Wilkniss and H. J. Born On the Activation Analysis of Oxygen with Help of the Reaction O16 (T,n) F18, Intern. J. Appl. Radiation and Isotopes Volume 10, 133-136 (1961). Institutional affiliation: Technische Hochschule München.
  • H. J. Born and H. J. Marcinowski Production and Application of Radionuclides in Europe [In German], Kerntechnik (West Germany) Merged with Atomkernenergie to form Atomkernenerg./ Kerntech.kyu Hokoku; Vol: 4, 573-579 (1962). Institutional affiliation: Isotopen-Studiengesellschaft e.V., Frankfurt am Main.
  • H. J. Born The Mechanism of Molecule Formation by Nuclear Fission and Subsequent Processes in Solid Mixtures, Report Number: EUR-2209.e (1964). Institutional affiliation: Munich. Technische Hochschule München.
  • D. C. Aumann and H. J. Born Determination of the 18O Concentration in Water by Irradiation with Neutrons [In German], Naturwissenschaften Volume 51, 159 (1964). Institutional affiliation: Technische Hochschule München.
  • D. C. Aumann and H. J. Born Activation Determination of Lithium Using the Reaction Chain 6Li (n,alpha) 3H and 16O (T,n) 18F' [In German], Radiochimica Acta Volume 3, 62-73 (1964). Institutional affiliation: Technische Hochschule München.
  • H. J. Born and D. C. Aumann Activation Analysis Determination of Lithium with the Help of the Reaction Chain 6Li (n,d) 3H and 16O (T,n) 18F, Naturwissenschaften Volume 51, 159-160 (1964). Institutional affiliation: Technische Hochschule München.
  • D. C. Aumann and H. J. Born Determination of Some Light Elements by Secondary Reactions, Proceedings of 1965 International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis College Station, Texas, Texas A and M University, 265-271 (1965). Institutional affiliation: Technische Hochschule München.
  • D. C. Aumann, H. J. Born, and R. Henkelmann Use of Fast Reactor Neutrons for Rapid and Nondestructive Trace Analysis, Especially of Oxygen [In German], Z. Anal. Chem. Volume 221, 101-108 (1966). Institutional affiliation: Technische Hochschule München.
  • P. Wilkniss and H. J. Born Radiochemical Separation of 18F from Reactor Irradiated Gold and Uranium [In German], Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isotop. Volume 17, 304-306 (1996). Institutional affiliation: Technische Hochschule München.
  • P. E. Wilkniss and H. J. Born Activation Analysis of Oxygen at the Surface of Solids, Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isotop. Volume 18, 57-64 (1967). Institutional affiliation: Technische Hochschule München.
  • C. Turkowsky, H. Stärk, and H. J. Born Determination of Traces of Uranium in Rocks and Minerals by Neutron Activation [In German], Radiochim. Acta 8: 27-30 (1967). Institutional affiliation: Technische Hochschule München.
  • G. Höhlein, H. J. Born, and W. Weinländer Isolation of 242Cm from Neutron-irradiated 241Am, Radiochim. Acta 10: 85-91(1968). Institutional affiliation: Technische Universität München.
  • H. W. Johlige, D. C. Aumann, and H.-J. Born Determination of the Relative Electron Density at the Be Nucleus in Different Chemical Combinations, Measured as Changes in the Electron-Capture Half-Life of 7Be, Phys. Rev. C 2, Issue 5, 1616 - 1622 (1970). Institutional affiliation: Institut für Radiochemie at the Technische Hochschule München. Received 24 November 1969; revised 22 May 1970.
  • E. A. Timofeeva-Reskovskaya, Yu. I. Moskalev, and G. I. (H. J.) Born, Distribution of 228Ac Following Intravenous Injection [In Russian], Trudy Inst. Ekol. Rast. Zhivotn. No. 68, 23-30 (1970)
  • H. J. Born, G. Höhlein, B. Schütz, S. Specht, and W. Weinländer Facility for the Complete Processing of Actinide Targets in the Multi-Ci Range, Kerntechnik 12: 75-80 (1970). Institutional affiliation: Technische Hochschule München.
  • H. J. Born Activation analysis, Technical Report Number BMBW-FBK—72-13, 1st Seminar on Activation Analysis, 8 December 1970, Garching.
  • A. Alian and H. J. Born Extraction of Terbium with Bis(ethyl 2-hexyl) Phosphoric Acid from Mixed Media, Radiochim. Acta Volume 17, No. 3, 168 (1972). Institutional affiliation: Technische Univ. Munich
  • A. Alian, H. H. Born, and H. Stärk Determination of molybdenum in standard rocks and in Scheelite Ores. Activation analysis by extraction of daughter nuclides., Radiochim. Acta ;18: No. 1, 50-57 (1972). Institutional affiliation: Technische Universität München.
  • A. Alian, H. J. Born, and H. Stärk Title Radiochemical and activation analysis by extraction of daughter nuclides. Determination of molybdenum, International Conference On modern Trends in Activation Analysis, 2 October 1972, Saclay, France.
  • A. Alian, H. J. Born, and J. L. Kim Thermal and epithermal neutron activation analysis using the monostandard method, International Conference On modern Trends in Activation Analysis, 2 October 1972, Saclay, France.
  • J. L. Kim, H. Lagally, and H. J. Born Ion exchange in aqueous and in aqueous—organic solvents. Part I. Anion-exchange behavior of Zr, Nb, Ta, and Pa in aqueous HCl—HF and in HCl—HF—organic solvent, Anal. Chim. Acta Volume 64, No. 1, 29-43 (1973). Institutional affiliation: Technische Universität München.
  • J. I. Kim, H. Lagally, and H. J. Born Ion exchange in aqueous and in aqueous—organic solvents. Part I. Anion-exchange behavior of Zr, Nb, Ta, and Pa in aqueous HCl—HF and in HCl—HF—organic solvent, Anal. Chim. Acta Volume 64, No. 1, 29-43 (1973)
  • H. J. Born and J. L. Kim Monostandard activation analysis and its applications: analyses of kale powder and NBS standard glass samples, J. Radioanal. Chem. Volume 13, No. 2, 427-442 (1973). Institutional affiliation: Technische Universität München.
  • R. Henkelmann and H.-J. Born Analytical use of neutron-capture gamma-rays, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Volume 16, Number 2, 473-481, (1973). Current address of Henkelmann: Institut Laue-Langevin, 38-Grenoble, France. Institutional affiliation of Born: Institut für Radiochemie of the Technischen Universität München.
  • B. O. Schütz, S. Specht, and H. J. Born Title Choice of operation parameters of ion-exchange columns for separations of highly radioactive nuclides, Reactor meeting, 10 April 1973, Karlsruhe, Germany. Institutional affiliation: Technische Universität München. (Zentralstelle für Atomkernenergie-Dokumentation, Leopoldshafen, 1973).
  • R. Henkelmann and H. J. Born Analytical use of neutron-capture gamma-rays, J. Radioanal. Chem. Volume 16, No. 2, 473-481 (1973). International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis; 2 October 1972; Saclay, France. Institutional affiliation: Technische Universität München.
  • A. Alian, H. J. Born, and J. L. Kim Thermal and epithermal neutron activation analysis using the monostandard method, J. Radioanal. Chem. Volume 15, No. 2, 535-546 (1973). International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis; 2 October 1972; Saclay, France. Institutional affiliation: Technische Universität München.
  • H. Duschner, H. J. Born, and J. I. Kim Electrodeposition of protactinium as fluoride from organic solvents, Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isotop., Volume 24, No. 8, 433-436 (1973). Institutional affiliation: Technische Hochschule München.
  • S. Specth, R. F. Nolte, and H. J. Born Influence of the geometry of the stationary phase on the efficiency of extraction chromatographic systems, J. Radioanal. Chem. Volume 21, No. 1, 119-127 (1974). 7th Radiochemical Conference; April 1973; Marianske Lazne, Czechoslovakia. Institutional affiliation: Technische Universität München.
  • S. Specht, B. O. Schütz, and H. J. Born Development of a high-pressure ion-exchange system for rapid preparative separations of transuranium elements, J. Radioanal. Chem., Volume 21, No. 1, pp. 167–176 (1974). 7th Radiochemical Conference; April 1973; Marianske Lazne, Czechoslovakia. Institutional affiliation: Technische Universität München.
  • V. Dronov, S. Specth, W. Weinländer, and H. J. Born Change of the efficiency of the chromatographic system in transition to higher activities. I. Comparison of alpha and gamma radiolysis of a cation exchanger with respect to its change in weight, salt separation capacity, and residual capacity and its swelling power [In German], J. Radioanal. Chem. , Volume 24, No. 2, 393-409 (1975). Institutional affiliation: Technischen Universität München.
  • R. Henkelmann, K. Müller, and H. J. Born Title Determination of low-dose boron-implanted concentration profiles in silicon by the (n, alpha) reaction, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., Suppl., Volume 21, No. 3, 14 (1975). International Nuclear and Atomic Activation Analysis Conference and 19th Annual Meeting on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology, 14 October 1975; Gatlinburg, TN. Institutional affiliation: Technische Universität München.
  • S. Specht, V. Dornow, W. Weinländer, and H. J. Born Variation of the capacity of chromatographic systems in transitions to high activities. II. Comparison of the effect of alpha and gamma radiolysis of a cation exchanger on the distribution coefficient, separation factor, and plate heights [In German], J. Radioanal. Chem. Volume 26, No. 1, 17-30 (1975). Institutional affiliation: Technischen Universität München.
  • Hans-Joachim Born, Gerd Hüttenrauch, Heinz-Joachim Link, X-ray diagnostics installation for peripheral angiography examinations, Patent number: 5349625. Filing date: March 11, 1993. Issue date: September 20, 1994. Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft.

KFK ve ZAED Yayınları

  • HJ. Born, S. Krawczynski, W. Ochsenfeld ve H. Scholz Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Sonderabdrucke. 116. Verwendbarkeit von Dibutyläther für die Aufbereitung bestrahlter Kernbrennstoffe mittels Ekstraktion (Gesellschaft für Kernforschung mb H., 1962 19 Temmuz 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi. ). Kurumsal bağlantılar: Technischen Hochschule München'den Institut für Radiochemie ve Kernreaktor Bau- und Betriebsgesellschaft mbH, Karlsruhe, Institut für Heiße Chemie .
  • Hans-Joachim Born ve Günter Höhlein Die Isolierung von 242 Cm im 100 Ci-Bereich aus neutronenbestrahltem 241 Am (Zentralstelle für Atomkernenergie-Dokumentation, ZAED, 1968)
  • Hans-Joachim Born ve Hans-Georg Meyer Zur Verteilung von Thorium-230, Thorium-232 ve Uran-238 bei der Schwefelsäurelaugung von Uranerzen (Zentralstelle für Atomkernenergie-Dokumentation, 1968)
  • Knut Lorenzen ve Hans-Joachim Untersuchungen zur photovoltaischen Dönüştürme doğumlu (Zentralstelle für Atomkernenergie-Dokumentation, 1968)


  1. ^ Riehl and Seitz, 1996, 121.
  2. ^ ZfK[ölü/kırık bağlantı] - 50 Jahre Forschung in Rossendorf, Zentralinstitut für Kernphysik
  • Albrecht, Ulrich, Andreas Heinemann-Grüder ve Arend Wellmann Die Spezialisten: Deutsche Naturwissenschaftler und Techniker in der Sowjetunion nach 1945 (Dietz, 1992, 2001)3-320-01788-8
  • Herrlich, Peter Karl Gunther Zimmer (1911–1988), Radyasyon Araştırması, Cilt 116, Sayı 1, 178-180 (Ekim, 1988)
  • Maddrell, Paul "Bilim üzerine Casusluk: Bölünmüş Almanya'da Batı İstihbaratı 1945-1961 – (Oxford, 2006)0-19-926750-2
  • Naimark, Norman M. Almanya'daki Ruslar: Sovyet İşgal Bölgesinin Tarihi, 1945-1949 (Belknap, 1995)
  • Oleynikov, Pavel V. Sovyet Atom Projesi'ndeki Alman Bilim Adamları, Yayılmayı Önleme İncelemesi Cilt 7, Sayı 2, 1 – 30 (2000) 7 Ağustos 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi. . Yazar, Snezhinsk'teki Rusya Federal Nükleer Merkezi'nin Teknik Fizik Enstitüsü'nde (Chelyabinsk-70) grup lideri olmuştur.
  • Riehl, Nikolaus ve Frederick Seitz Stalin'in Esir: Nikolaus Riehl ve Bomba için Sovyet Yarışı (Amerikan Kimya Derneği ve Kimyasal Miras Vakıfları, 1996)0-8412-3310-1 .

Dış bağlantılar
