Lacerta strigata, Lacerta cinsine bağlı bir kertenkele türüdür.[2][3] Gürcistan, Ermenistan, Azerbaycan, Türkmenistan, Türkiye ve iran'da bulunur.

Lacerta strigata
Korunma durumu

Asgari endişe altında (IUCN 3.1)[1]
Biyolojik sınıflandırma Bu sınıflandırmayı düzenle
Âlem: Animalia
Şube: Chordata
Sınıf: Squamata
Familya: Lacertidae
Cins: Lacerta
Tür: L. strigata
İkili adlandırma
Lacerta strigata
Eichwald, 1831
  • Lacerta quinquevittata Menetries, 1832
  • Lacerta viridis var. astrabadensi Eichwald, 1841
  • Lacerta viridis var. woosnami Boulenger

Konuyla ilgili yayınlar

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  • Szczerbak, N.N. (2003) Guide to the Reptiles of the Eastern Palearctic.: Krieger, Malabar, FL, 260 pp
  • BISCHOFF, W. (2003) Die Eidechsenfauna Georgiens - Teil I: Allgemeine Bemerkungen, sowie die Gattungen Eremias, Ophisops und Lacerta.: Die Eidechse 14 (2): 44-60
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  • Eichwald, E. (1831) Zoologia specialis, quam expositis animalibus tum vivis, tum fossilibus potissimuni rossiae in universum, et poloniae in specie, in usum lectionum publicarum in Universitate Caesarea Vilnensi.: Zawadski, Vilnae.
  • Peters, G. (1962) Studien zur Taxonomie, Verbreitung und Oekologie der Smaragdeidechsen I. Lacerta trilineata, viridis und strigata als selbstaendige Arten.: Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin 38: 127-152.
  • Schmidtler, J.F. (1986) Orientalische Smaragdeidechsen: 1. Zur Systematik und Verbreitung von Lacerta viridis in der Türkei.: Salamandra 22 (1): 29-46
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  • Frank, Norman & Ramus, Erica (1995) A Complete Guide to Scientific and Common Names of Reptiles and Amphibians of the World.: Pottsville: N G Publishing Inc., 377 pp.
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  • Roitberg, E. S. (1994) A comparative study of intra- and inter-population variation in two sympatric lizards, Lacerta agilis boemica and L. strigata in Daghestan.: Russ. J. Herpetol. 1 (1): 77-85
  • Schultschik, Günter;Steinfartz, Sebastian (1996) Ergebnisse einer herpetologischen Exkursion in den Iran.: Herpetozoa 9 (1/2): 91-95
  • ŠMÍD, JIRÍ; JIRÍ MORAVEC, PETR KODYM, LUKÁŠ KRATOCHVÍL, SEYYED SAEED HOSSEINIAN YOUSEFKHANI, ESKANDAR RASTEGAR-POUYANI & DANIEL FRYNTA (2014) Annotated checklist and distribution of the lizards of Iran.: Zootaxa 3855 (1): 001–097


  1. ^ Tuniyev, Ananjeva, Agasyan, Orlov, Tuniyev, & Anderson. 2009. Lacerta strigata (errata version published in 2017). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T157287A114558813. Downloaded on 28 May 2019.
  2. ^ "GBIF". 12 Aralık 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 25 Mart 2024. 
  3. ^ "PaleoBioDB". 31 Mart 2024 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 25 Mart 2024. 

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