local p = {}
function p.teamPS(frame)
local selectedTeam = frame.args[1]
local league = frame.args[2]
local templateName = "Şablon:"..league.." futbolcu istatistikleri"
local templatePage = mw.title.new(templateName)
local content = templatePage:getContent()
local pattern = "|Id%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*\n" ..
"|Takım%s*=%s*([^\n|]*)%s*\n" ..
"|İsim%s*=%s*([^\n]*)\n" ..
"|Pozisyon%s*=%s*([^\n]*)\n" ..
"|Milliyet%s*=%s*([^\n|]*)%s*\n" ..
"|Yaş%s*=%s*([^\n]*)\n" ..
"|Numara%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*\n" ..
"|OynadığıMaç%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*\n" ..
"|Goller%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*\n" ..
"|Penaltılar%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*\n" ..
"|KaçanPenaltılar%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*\n" ..
"|Asistler%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*\n" ..
"|SarıKartlar%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*\n" ..
"|SarıKırmızıKartlar%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*\n" ..
"|KırmızıKartlar%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*\n" ..
"|Dakika%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*\n" ..
local tableHeader = [[{| class='wikitable' style='text-align: center; font-size:80%;'
local columnHeader = '!width=50 style="border-right:3px solid grey;" colspan="8"|%s'
local statsHeader = '![[File:Jersey white.svg|19px]]!!{{gol}}!!{{penaltı}}!!{{kaçan penaltı}}!!{{altın gol}}!!{{sarı kart}}!!{{kırmızı kart|1}}!!style="border-right:3px solid grey;"|{{kırmızı kart}}'
local result = {tableHeader}
local teamLeagues = {}
local leaguesSeen = {}
local playerStats = {}
local sortedPlayers = {}
local departedPlayers = {}
-- First, collect all leagues for the team
for id, team, league in mw.ustring.gmatch(content, "|Id%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*\n|Takım%s*=%s*([^\n|]*)%s*\n|Lig%s*=%s*([^\n]*)\n") do
if team == selectedTeam and not leaguesSeen[league] then
leaguesSeen[league] = true
table.insert(teamLeagues, league)
-- Collect player stats for each league
for id, team, league, exist, name, pos, nation, age, number, match, goals, penalties, mpenalties, assists, yellowcards, yellowredcards, redcards, minutes, firsteleven in mw.ustring.gmatch(content, pattern) do
if team == selectedTeam then
local playerTable = exist == "True" and sortedPlayers or departedPlayers
local statsTable = playerStats
if not statsTable[name] then
statsTable[name] = {
number = tonumber(number),
pos = pos,
nation = nation,
exist = exist,
leagues = {},
totals = {
match = 0,
goals = 0,
penalties = 0,
mpenalties = 0,
assists = 0,
yellowcards = 0,
yellowredcards = 0,
redcards = 0
table.insert(playerTable, name)
statsTable[name].leagues[league] = {
match = tonumber(match),
goals = tonumber(goals),
penalties = tonumber(penalties),
mpenalties = tonumber(mpenalties),
assists = tonumber(assists),
yellowcards = tonumber(yellowcards),
yellowredcards = tonumber(yellowredcards),
redcards = tonumber(redcards)
-- Update totals
statsTable[name].totals.match = statsTable[name].totals.match + tonumber(match)
statsTable[name].totals.goals = statsTable[name].totals.goals + tonumber(goals)
statsTable[name].totals.penalties = statsTable[name].totals.penalties + tonumber(penalties)
statsTable[name].totals.mpenalties = statsTable[name].totals.mpenalties + tonumber(mpenalties)
statsTable[name].totals.assists = statsTable[name].totals.assists + tonumber(assists)
statsTable[name].totals.yellowcards = statsTable[name].totals.yellowcards + tonumber(yellowcards)
statsTable[name].totals.yellowredcards = statsTable[name].totals.yellowredcards + tonumber(yellowredcards)
statsTable[name].totals.redcards = statsTable[name].totals.redcards + tonumber(redcards)
-- Sort players by number
local function sortByNumber(a, b)
return playerStats[a].number < playerStats[b].number
table.sort(sortedPlayers, sortByNumber)
table.sort(departedPlayers, sortByNumber)
if #teamLeagues > 0 then
-- Add headers for each league
for _, league in ipairs(teamLeagues) do
table.insert(result, string.format(columnHeader, league))
-- Add total stats header
table.insert(result, string.format(columnHeader, "Toplam"))
table.insert(result, "|- class='unsortable'\n")
-- Add stats headers for each league and totals
for i = 1, #teamLeagues + 1 do
table.insert(result, statsHeader)
table.insert(result, "|-")
-- Function to add player rows
local function addPlayerRows(players)
for _, name in ipairs(players) do
local player = playerStats[name]
local row = string.format("||%s||%s||{{bayraksimge|%s}}|| align=left|%s",
player.number, player.pos, player.nation, name)
-- Add stats for each league
for _, league in ipairs(teamLeagues) do
local leagueStats = player.leagues[league] or {
match = 0, goals = 0, penalties = 0, mpenalties = 0,
assists = 0, yellowcards = 0, yellowredcards = 0, redcards = 0
row = row .. string.format("||%s||%s||%s||%s||%s||%s||%s||style='border-right:3px solid grey;'|%s",
leagueStats.match, leagueStats.goals, leagueStats.penalties,
leagueStats.mpenalties, leagueStats.assists, leagueStats.yellowcards,
leagueStats.yellowredcards, leagueStats.redcards)
-- Add total stats
row = row .. string.format("||%s||%s||%s||%s||%s||%s||%s||style='border-right:3px solid grey;'|%s",
player.totals.match, player.totals.goals, player.totals.penalties,
player.totals.mpenalties, player.totals.assists, player.totals.yellowcards,
player.totals.yellowredcards, player.totals.redcards)
table.insert(result, row .. "\n|-")
-- Add current players
-- Add departed players section if any exist
if #departedPlayers > 0 then
local colspan = 4 + (#teamLeagues + 1) * 8
table.insert(result, string.format("!colspan='%d'|'''Ayrılan oyuncular'''\n|-", colspan))
return "Error: Selected team not found"
table.insert(result, "|}")
return mw.text.trim(frame:preprocess(table.concat(result,"\n")))
return p