Theodore Ziolkowski
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Theodore Ziolkowski (30 Eylül 1932; Birmingham, Alabama - 5 Aralık 2020), Alman dili ve edebiyatı ile karşılaştırmalı edebiyat uzmanıdır.
değiştir- 1964. Hermann Broch
- 1965. The Novels of Hermann Hesse: Themes and Structures
- 1966. Hermann Hesse
- 1969. Dimensions of the Modern Novel: German Texts and European Contexts
- 1972. Fictional Transfigurations of Jesus (James Russell Lowell Prize of MLA)
- 1973, ed. Hesse: A Collection of Critical Essays.
- 1976, ed.Hermann Hesse: My Belief. Essays on Life and Art
- 1977. Disenchanted Images: A Literary Iconology
- 1979. Der Schriftsteller Hermann Hesse
- 1980. The Classical German Elegy, 1795–1950
- 1983. Varieties of Literary Thematics
- 1990. German Romanticism and Its Institutions
- 1991, ed. Soul of the Age: Letters of Hermann Hesse.
- 1993. Virgil and the Moderns.
- 1997. The Mirror of Justice: Literary Reflections of Legal Crises (Christian Gauss Award of Phi Beta Kappa).
- 1998. The View from the Tower. Origins of an Antimodernist Image. 0-691-05907-10-691-05907-1
- 1998. Das Wunderjahr in Jena: Geist und Gesellschaft, 1794/95
- 2000. The Sin of Knowledge: Ancient Themes and Modern Variations.
- 2002. Berlin: Aufstieg einer Kulturmetropole um 1810
- 2004. Clio the Romantic Muse: Historicizing the Faculties in Germany (Barricelli Prize of International Conference on Romanticism)
- 2004. Hesitant Heroes: Private Inhibition, Cultural Crisis.
- 2005. Ovid and the Moderns (Robert Motherwell Award of Dedalus Foundation)
- 2006. Vorboten der Moderne: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Fruehromantik
- 2006, ed. Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Selected Works: Vol. 2 Fiction
- 2007 Modes of Faith: Secular Surrogates for Lost Religious Belief
- 2008 Minos and the Moderns: Cretan Myth in Twentieth-Century Literature and Art
- 2008 Mythologisierte Gegenwart: Deutsches Erleben seit 1933 in antikem Gewand
- 2009 Heidelberger Romantik: Mythos und Symbol
- 2009 Scandal on Stage: European Theater as Moral Trial
- 2010 Die Welt im Gedicht. Rilkes Sonette an Orpheus II.4
- 2010 Dresdner Romantik: Politik und Harmonie
- 2011, ed. Peter Hacks: Senecas Tod
- 2011 Gilgamesh among Us: Modern Encounters with the Ancient Epic
- 2013 Lure of the Arcane: The Literature of Cult and Conspiracy
- 2015 Classicism of the Twenties: Art, Music, and Literature
- 2015 The Alchemist in Literature: From Dante to the Present
- 2016 Uses and Abuses of Moses: Literary Representations since the Enlightenment
- 2017 Music into Fiction: Composers Writing, Compositions Imitated
- 2018 Stages of European Romanticism: Cultural Synchronicity in the Arts, 1798-1848