Yukarı Ren Çemberi

Kutsal Roma İmparatorluğu'nun İmparatorluk Çemberi

Yukarı Ren Çemberi (AlmancaOberrheinischer Reichskreis), 1500 yılında eski Yukarı Lorraine Dükalığı topraklarında ve Svabya Alsace bölgesi ve Burgonya Savoy Dükalığı da dahil olmak üzere Ren Frankonyası'nın büyük kısımlarında kurulan Kutsal Roma İmparatorluğu'nun bir İmparatorluk Çemberiydi.

16. yüzyılın başında Yukarı Ren Çemberi
Yukarı Ren Çemberi 1791

Çemberin Ren nehrinin batısındaki eyaletlerinin çoğu, 17. yüzyılda Kral XIV. Louis yönetimindeki Fransa tarafından ilhak edildi ve 1678/79 Nijmegen Antlaşmaları ile imza altına alındı.



Çember aşağıdaki payelerden oluşuyordu:

İsim Varlık türü Açıklama
Andlau Manastır 1681'den bu yana Fransa eski Piskoposluğu.
  Bar Dukalık 1483'ten beri Lorraine ile birlik. Sadece batı bölümü olan – FransızcaBarrois non mouvant [fr] – İmparatorluğun içindedir ve dolayısıyla Yukarı Ren Çemberine dahildir; batı bölümü olan – FransızcaBarrois mouvant [fr] – 1301'den beri Fransız toprağıdır. 1766'da Fransa tarafından ilhak edilmiştir.
  Basel Prens-Piskoposluk Roma İmparatorluğu dönemine ait Augusta Raurica kalıntıları üzerine 8. yüzyılda kurulan bu şehir, yaklaşık bir yüzyıl sonra Burgonya'dan ayrılmayı başarmıştır. 1527 yılından itibaren yönetim merkezi Porrentruy (Pruntrut) olarak belirlenmiş ve bu sayede İsviçre'nin federal yapısındaki yerini alarak, federal mecliste (Reichstag) 41. koltuğa sahip olmuştur.
  Besançon Prens-Başpiskoposluk 1679'da Fransa'ya bağlanan bu topraklar, Kutsal Roma İmparatorluğu meclisindeki 8. koltuğunu kaybetti.
  Beuil Kontluk Başlangıçta bir Lordluk olarak oluşturulan Beuil, Grimaldi ailesi'nin bir alt koluna miras kaldı. 1388'de Beuil, Savoy Kontluğu'na bağlılığını kabul ederek, fiilen bağımsız olsa da, teoride onun vasalı konumuna geldi. 1581'de Savoy tarafından kontluğa yükseltildi. 1793'te Birinci Fransız Cumhuriyeti tarafından ilhak edildi ve 1813'te Sardinya Krallığı'na iade edildi.
  Bresse Lordluk 1272'de Savoy Hanedanı tarafından miras alındı. 1601'de Lyon Antlaşması ile Fransa Krallığı tarafından ilhak edildi.
  Bretzenheim Lordluk Köln tarafından ele geçirildi, 1772'de Bavyera Elektörü Charles Theodore'un gayri meşru oğlu Heydeck Kontu Karl August'a verildi. 1774'te imparatorluk kontluğu ve 1789'da Prenslik oldu.
  Bugey Lordluk IV. Heinrich tarafından 1077'de Savoie Hanedanına devredildi. 1601 yılında Lyon Antlaşması ile Fransa Krallığı'na eklenmiştir.
  Chablais Dukalık 11. yüzyılda Savoie Hanedani tarafından kurulmuştur. 1536'da Cenevre'ye kaybedildi.
  Colmar İmparatorluk şehri Reichsfreiheit granted by Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen in 1226, part of the Décapole since 1354.
  Dagstuhl Lordluk Held by the Lords of Fleckenstein, acquired by Oettingen-Wallerstein in 1697.
  Dombes Prenslik Held by the Dukes of Bourbon since 1400, confiscated by the Kingdom of France in 1523.
  Falkenstein Lordluk Held by the Counts of Daun since 1456, raised to county in 1518, fell to Lorraine in 1667, administered with Further Austria from 1782.
  Faucigny Baronluk Acquired by the House of Savoy by the 1355 Treaty of Paris. Annexed by the French First Republic in 1792. Returned to Savoy in 1816. Annexed by the Second French Empire in 1860.
  Frankfurt am Main İmparatorluk şehri 6th Rhenish City. Since 1220, place of the Imperial election by the Golden Bull of 1356.
  Friedberg İmparatorluk şehri 13th Rhenish City. Since 1252.
  Fulda Prince-Abbacy Established by Saint Boniface in 744, Reichsfreiheit granted by Emperor Frederick II in 1220, raised to Prince-Bishopric in 1752, 53th seat to the Reichstag.
  Geneva Dukalık Established in the 10th century as the County of Geneva. Capital moved from La Roche-sur-Foron to Annecy in 1219. Purchased by the House of Savoy in 1401 and raised to a Duchy in 1564. Annexed by the Second French Empire in 1860.
  Gex Baronluk First mentioned in 1188. Ruled by a cadet branch of the County of Geneva until 1353 when annexed by Amadeus VI, Count of Savoy. Contested since 1536 between the Duchy of Savoy and the Old Swiss Confederacy until annexed by the Kingdom of France in the Treaty of Lyon in 1601.
  Haguenau İmparatorluk şehri Since about 1260, capital of the Décapole since 1354.
  Hanau-Lichtenberg Kontluk Partitioned from the County of Hanau as Hanau-Babenhausen in 1456, inherited the lordship of Lichtenberg in 1474, fell to Hesse-Darmstadt in 1736.
  Hanau-Münzenberg Kontluk Partitioned from the County of Hanau in 1456, reunited with Hanau-Lichtenberg in 1642, fell to Hesse-Kassel in 1736.
  Heitersheim Prenslik Held by the Order of St John since 1272, Reichsfreiheit granted by Emperor Charles V in 1548.
  Hersfeld Başrahiplik Established about 736 by Saint Sturm, Reichsfreiheit granted by Charlemagne in 775, secularised to a principality by the 1648 Peace of Westphalia, held by Hesse-Kassel
  Hesse Landgraviate Established after the War of the Thuringian Succession in 1247, residence at Kassel, partitioned after the death of Landgrave Philip I in 1567.
  Hesse-Kassel Landgraviate Subdivision of Hesse from 1567, Electorate of Hesse in 1803.
  Hesse-Rheinfels Landgraviate Subdivision of Hesse from 1567 including the former County of Katzenelnbogen with Burg Rheinfels, line extinct in 1583, fell to Hesse-Kassel.
  Hesse-Darmstadt Landgraviate Subdivision of Hesse from 1567, Grand Duchy of Hesse in 1806.
  Hesse-Marburg Landgraviate Subdivision of Hesse from 1567, line extinct in 1604, annexed by Hesse-Darmstadt.
  Hesse-Homburg Landgraviate Cadet branch of Hesse-Darmstadt from 1622, gained Reichsfreiheit in 1768.
  Isenburg-Büdingen-Birstein Kontluk Subdivision of the County of Isenburg established in 1511 (Oberisenburg), again divided in 1628.
  Isenburg-Birstein Kontluk Subdivision of Isenburg-Büdingen-Birstein from 1628, merged into Isenburg-Offenbach in 1644, restored in 1711, raised to principality in 1744.
  Isenburg-Büdingen Kontluk Subdivision of Isenburg-Büdingen-Birstein from 1628.
  Isenburg-Meerholz Kontluk Split off Isenburg-Büdingen in 1673.
  Isenburg-Wächtersbach Kontluk Split off Isenburg-Büdingen in 1673.
  Kaysersberg İmparatorluk şehri Part of the Décapole since 1354.
  Königstein Kontluk Held by the Lords of Eppstein, raised to Reichsgrafen by Emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg in 1505, inherited by Stolberg in 1535, seized by Mainz in 1581.
  Kriechingen Kontluk Former fief of Lorraine around Créhange, raised to Imperial county in 1617, held by the Princes of East Frisia from 1697, to Wied-Runkel in 1726.
  Landau İmparatorluk şehri Reichsfreiheit granted by Rudolph I of Habsburg in 1291, seized by the Bishop of Speyer in 1324, restored by Emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg in 1511, joined the Décapole in 1521.
  Leiningen-Westerburg Kontluk Subdivision of the former County of Leiningen since 1317, inherited by the Lords of Westerburg in 1467.
  Leiningen-Dagsburg Kontluk Subdivision of the former County of Leiningen since 1317, raised to principality in 1779.
  Lorraine Dukalık Former Upper Lotharingia, acquired by René of Anjou, Duke of Bar in 1431, swapped by Duke Francis III of Habsburg-Lorraine for the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in 1735, annexed by France in 1766.
  Maurienne Kontluk Subdivision of the county of Savoy in 1032.
  Mensfelden Lordluk Condominium of Trier and Nassau.
  Metz Prince-Bishopric Established by 535, Reichsfreiheit confirmed by Charles IV of Luxembourg in 1357, occupied by King Henry II of France in 1552, part of the French Three Bishoprics by the 1648 Peace of Westphalia.
  Metz İmparatorluk şehri Since 1189, occupied by King Henry II of France in 1552.
  Mulhouse İmparatorluk şehri Since about 1268, part of the Décapole since 1354, joined Swiss Confederacy in 1515, France in 1798.
  Munster, Haut-Rhin İmparatorluk şehri Reichsfreiheit granted by Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen in 1235, part of the Décapole since 1354.
  Murbach Imperial Abbey Prenslik since 1548, to France in 1680, demolished during the Revolution.
  Nassau-Idstein Kontluk Split off Nassau-Weilburg in 1627, fell to Nassau-Ottweiler in 1721.
  Nassau-Saarbrücken Kontluk 3rd Rhenish County, established in 1381, fell to Nassau-Ottweiler in 1723.
  Nassau-Ottweiler Kontluk Split off Nassau-Saarbrücken in 1659, fell to Nassau-Usingen in 1728.
  Nassau-Usingen Kontluk 1st Rhenish County, split off Nassau-Saarbrücken in 1659, principality in 1688, Duchy of Nassau from 1806.
  Nassau-Weilburg Kontluk 2nd Rhenish County, principality in 1688, Nassau Dukalığı from 1806.
  Nomeny Margravlık Held by the Bishopric of Metz until 1548, margraviate established by Emperor Maximilian II of Habsburg in 1567, to Lorraine in 1612.
  Obernai İmparatorluk şehri Since about 1240, part of the Décapole since 1354, annexed by France in 1679.
  Odenheim Provostry Monastery established in 1122, Imperial college of canons (Reichsstift) since 1494, moved to Bruchsal in 1507.
  Olbrück Lordluk Territory around Olbrück Castle near Niederdürenbach, originally held by Wied.
  Orange Prenslik Created in 1033 as the County of Orange. Raised to a principality in 1163. Conceded to the Kingdom of France in 1713.
  Palatinate-Simmern County Palatine Split off Electoral Palatinate in 1410, inherited Electoral Palatinate in 1559 with 8th vote to the Reichstag.
  Palatinate-Lautern County Palatine Subdivision of Palatinate from 1576 with 6th vote to the Reichstag.
  Palatinate-Veldenz County Palatine Former County of Veldenz inherited by Palatinate-Zweibrücken in 1444, 16th vote to the Reichstag
  Palatinate-Zweibrücken County Palatine Former County of Zweibrücken, in personal union with Palatinate-Simmern until 1459, fell to Palatinate-Birkenfeld in 1734, 14th seat to the Reichstag
  Prüm Prince-Provostry (Re-)established by King Pepin the Short in 752, Reichsfreiheit granted by Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen in 1222, administered by Trier from 1576, 65th seat to the Reichstag
  Reipoltskirchen Lordluk Yaklaşık 1300'den beri.
  Rosheim İmparatorluk şehri Since 1303, part of the Décapole since 1354, annexed by France in 1679.
  Salm Prenslik Upper Salm since 1165, large parts held by the Wild- and Rhinegraves from 1475 and partitioned in 1499, Salm-Salm raised to princes in 1623 with the 84th seat to the Reichstag.
  Salm-Dhaun Kontluk Subdivision of Salm since 1499, line extinct in 1750, inherited by Salm-Grumbach.
  Salm-Grumbach Kontluk Split off Salm-Dhaun in 1561, annexed by France in 1801.
  Salm-Stein-Grehweiler Kontluk Split off Salm-Grumbach in 1668.
  Salm-Salm Kontluk Split off Salm-Dhaun in 1574, princely county from 1623 as Principality of Salm.
  Salm-Kyrburg Kontluk Subdivision of Salm from 1499, residence at Kirn, princely county from 1743, Principality of Salm from 1802.
  Savoy Dukalık Former county, part of the Kingdom of Burgundy inherited by Emperor Conrad II in 1032, Reichsfreiheit granted by Emperor Charles IV of Luxembourg in 1361, raised to duchy in 1416.
  Sayn-Wittgenstein Kontluk Former Counts of Sayn, a cadet branch of the House of Sponheim, acquired County of Wittgenstein in 1361, partitioned in 1607.
  Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg Kontluk 14th Rhenish County. Subdivision of Sayn-Wittgenstein from 1607.
  Sayn-Wittgenstein-Wittgenstein Kontluk 15th Rhenish County. Subdivision of Sayn-Wittgenstein from 1607, Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein from 1657.
  Sélestat İmparatorluk şehri Reichsfreiheit granted by Frederick II of Hohenstaufen in 1216, part of the Décapole since 1354.
  Solms-Braunfels Kontluk Subdivision of Solms since 1258, raised to principality in 1742.
  Solms-Lich Kontluk Subdivision of Solms(-Braunfels) since 1409, Solms-Hohensolms-Lich from 1544, raised to principality in 1792.
  Solms-Laubach Kontluk Subdivision of Solms-Lich from 1544.
  Solms-Rödelheim Kontluk Subdivision of Solms-Laubach from 1607, Solms-Rödelheim-Assenheim from 1635.
  Speyer Prince-Bishopric Established before 614, Reichsfreiheit granted around 969 by Emperor Otto I, 19th seat to the Reichstag
  Speyer İmparatorluk şehri 5th Rhenish City. City rights acknowledged by the Speyer bishops in 1294, venue of 50 Reichstag assemblies, including the Diet of Speyer (1529) (Protestation at Speyer).
  Sponheim Kontluk Established in the 11th century by the Rhenish House of Sponheim, held jointly by the Margraves of Baden and the House of Palatinate-Simmern since 1437.
  Strasbourg Prince-Bishopric Established in the 4th century, prince-bishopric since 982; 21st seat to the Reichstag
  Strasbourg İmparatorluk şehri Since 1262. Ceded to France in 1681
  Tarentaise Prince-Bishopric Established in the 10th century, prince-bishopric since 1186.
  Toul Prince-Bishopric Established in 365 by Saint Mansuetus, Reichsfreiheit confirmed by King Henry I in 928, occupied by King Henry II of France in 1552, part of the French Three Bishoprics by the 1648 Peace of Westphalia.
  Toul İmparatorluk şehri Since the 13th century (Tull), occupied by King Henry II of France in 1552.
  Turckheim İmparatorluk şehri Since 1312, part of the Décapole since 1354.
  Vaud Baronluk Established in 1234. Incorporated into the House of Savoy in 1359. Annexed by the Canton of Bern in 1536.
  Verdun Prince-Bishopric Established about 346, Reichsfreiheit confirmed by Emperor Otto III in 997, occupied by King Henry II of France in 1552, part of the French Three Bishoprics by the 1648 Peace of Westphalia.
  Verdun İmparatorluk şehri Since the 12th century (Wirten), occupied by King Henry II of France in 1552.
  Waldeck Kontluk Line established about 1180, Reichsfreiheit granted by King Wenceslaus of Luxembourg in 1379, Waldeck-Pyrmont from 1625, raised to principality in 1712.
  Wartenberg Kontluk 1232'de kuruldu, Riedesel tarafından 1428'te miras alındı, 1680'den itibaren baronluk (Freiherren).
  Wetterau Kontluk Yaklaşık 950'de kuruldu. 1317'de Wetter-Tegerfelden kontları tarafından ele geçirildi.
  Weissenburg İmparatorluk şehri 7.yy.'da kuruldu. 1306'da İmparatorluk şehri oldu. 1354'te kurulab Décapole birliğinin parçası oldu, 1648'de Fransa tarafından ilhak edildi.
  Weissenburg Prens-Valilik Manastır, Speyer Piskoposluğu tarafından yaklaşık 660 yılında kuruldu, Reichsfreiheit imtiyazı İmparator II. Otto tarafından 967'de verildi, 1546'dan itibaren yine Speyer tarafından yönetildi, Reichstag'daki 63. koltuktur.
  Wetzlar İmparatorluk şehri 14. Ren Şehri, Reichsfreiheit İmparator I. Frederick Barbarossa tarafından 1180 yılında imtiyaz verilmiştir.
  Wild- and Rhinegraves Kontluk 12. yüzyıldan beri Rengraves (Ren Kontu), 1409 yılında Kyrburg Wildgraviatesini miras yoluyla elde etti, 1475 yılında (Üst) Salm'ı satın aldı.
  Worms Prens-Piskoposluk 614 civarında kuruldu; Reichstag'a 15. koltuktur
  Worms İmparatorluk şehri 4. Ren Şehri, Reichsfreiheit İmparator I. Frederick Barbarossa tarafından 1184 yılında imtiyaz verilmiştir.



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