Şablon:Harici medya

(Şablon:External Media sayfasından yönlendirildi)
Şablon belgelemesi[gör] [değiştir] [geçmiş] [temizle]



{{Harici Medya}}, {{harici medya}}, {{External media}}, {{External Media}} ve {{external media}} sayfalarıda {{Harici medya}} sayfasını yönlendirilir. {{Harici medya}} şekli yerine bu isimlerde kullanılabilir.

Nasıl Kullanılır


Maddenizdeki gerekli yere aşağıdakini yapıştırarak uygun şekilde doldurunuz. Aşağıdaki örneklerden yararlanabilirsiniz.

{{harici medya
| hiza = 
| boyut = 
| görsel1 = 
| görsel2 = 
| görsel3 = 
| ses1 = 
| ses2 = 
| ses3 = 
| video1 = 
| video2 = 
| video3 = 
| model1 = 
| model2 = 
| model3 = 

{{Harici medya}} şablonu bir maddede birden fazla kullanılabilir ve her seferinde birden fazla öge gösterilebilir. (video, görüntü, ses, vs.)


Valid options are "left", "right" and "center". The template defaults to displaying on the right-hand-side.
This should be a complete width measurement including units. Examples: 300px, 22em, 30%. The template defaults to 258px wide.
media links
Each file to be linked should specify its type and have a different number, starting from 1. For example, a template containing four images and one video would label them as image1, image2, image3, image4 and video1. The attribute has a free format, so any amount of detail may be added. The first part of the entry should be formatted as a normal external link, i.e. [http://example.com/image.jpg Image description] for Image description. After that, any additional detail can be given on the same line. See the examples for details.
Note: when adding a link to an external media source like this, it is essential that the source page be linked too with the date of retrieval, both to satisfy Wikipedia's sourcing criteria for the statement about the presented media and to ensure that the link can quickly be corrected should the source URL be changed. Reference tags can be used for this purpose.
It's polite if you inform the administrator of the page you link to that you are deep linking to the content of his page, marking it as an external source, also providing a link to his complete page and that if he doesn't like it he can use a script to disable deep linking.


Haricî görsel
Fighting style of Greek phalangites with long lances during the Roman-Spartan War (Note the late Greek hoplite helmets with open visors made of several parts and not from one like in earlier times. The leg protection was often leather to allow for faster movement. This fighting style was not in use during the Battle of Marathon; at that time the lances were shorter and held with one hand. Longer lances, held with both hands, were adopted with the introduction of lighter hoplites and later phalangites. As a result of their long and heavy lance which was handled with both arms they needed a lighter shield than the old hoplites.[1][2]

Just an image, taken from the War against Nabis Featured Article. This example gives full contextual information along with references.

{{ Harici medya
| align = right
| width = 258px
| image1 = [http://www.ancientmesopotamia.net/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/macedonianphalanx.jpg Fighting style of Greek phalangites with long lances during the Roman-Spartan War] (Note the late Greek hoplite helmets with open visors made of several parts and not from one like in earlier times. The leg protection was often leather to allow for faster movement. This fighting style was not in use during the [[Battle of Marathon]]; at that time the lances were shorter and held with one hand. Longer lances, held with both hands, were adopted with the introduction of lighter hoplites and later [[phalangite]]s. As a result of their long and heavy lance which was handled with both arms they needed a lighter shield than the old hoplites.<ref>''Warfare in the Classical World'',p. 34f (Greek Hoplite (c.480BC)) p. 67 (Iphicrates reforms)</ref><ref>{{Web kaynağı | url = http://www.ancientmesopotamia.net/id27.html | title = Battle of Marathon | accessdate = 2006-12-26 | format =  | work = Ancient Mesopotamia | arşivurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20070308045853/http://www.ancientmesopotamia.net:80/id27.html | arşivtarihi = 8 Mart 2007}}</ref>

Haricî görsel
Metal vambrace with integrated elbow and upper arm protection (reenactment)[3]

Image, using descriptive text with accompanying reference:

{{ Harici medya
| align  = right
| width  = 300px
| image1 = [http://fcit.usf.edu/florida/photos/historic/dsmem/dsarmor/dsarmo2/photos/dsarmo232.jpg Metal vambrace with integrated elbow and upper arm protection] (reenactment)<ref>http://fcit.usf.edu/florida/photos/historic/dsmem/dsarmor/dsarmo2/dsarmo232.htm</ref>

Haricî görseller
The Siege of Leningrad
Russian map of the operations around Leningrad in 1943. Blue are the German and allied Finnish troops. The Soviets are red.[4]
map of the advance on Leningrad and relief. Blue are the German and allied Finnish troops. The Soviets are red.[5]

Two images with rich accompanying text, floated left:

{{ Harici medya
| align  = left
| topic  = The Siege of Leningrad
| image1 = [http://www.ido.edu.ru/ffec/hist/images/H_4.jpg Russian map of the operations around Leningrad in 1943]. Blue are the German and allied Finnish troops. The Soviets are red.<ref>{{Web kaynağı | url = http://www.ido.edu.ru/ffec/hist/h8.html | title = ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ. Тема 8 | publisher = Ido.edu.ru | date =  | accessdate = 2008-10-26 | arşivurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20110719022538/http://www.ido.edu.ru/ffec/hist/h8.html | arşivtarihi = 19 Temmuz 2011}}</ref>
| image2 = [http://victory.tass-online.ru/data/Photos/Photo/175.JPEG map of the advance on Leningrad and relief]. Blue are the German and allied Finnish troops. The Soviets are red.<ref>{{Web kaynağı | url = http://victory.tass-online.ru/?page=gallery&gcid=9 | title = ИТАР-ТАСС :: 60 ЛЕТ ВЕЛИКОЙ ПОБЕДЕ :: | language = {{ru icon}} | publisher = Victory.tass-online.ru | date =  | accessdate = 2008-10-26 | arşivurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20120219231836/http://victory.tass-online.ru:80/?page=gallery&gcid=9 | arşivtarihi = 19 Şubat 2012}}</ref>

Haricî ses
Dog Bark
the sound of a dog barking, from here, retrieved 13.09.2009

audio with topic text and accompanying link to the home page:

{{ Harici medya
| topic  = Dog Bark
| audio1 = [http://www.wav-sounds.com/various/bark.wav the sound of a dog barking], from [http://www.wav-sounds.com/various_wav_sounds.htm here] ''retrieved 13.09.2009''

Haricî video
Movie clip of siphon feeding, QuickTime format[6]

Single video, floated left:

{{ Harici medya
| width  = 210px
| align  = left
| video1 = [http://www.arkive.org/scripts/php/force-download.php?file=BEE7098E-088F-4BB4-B6F0-D2E190E5623C/Presentation.Streams/Presentation_QT_DOWNLOAD.mov&saveas=/data/root/Live/www.arkive.org/htdocs/species/peppery-furrow-shell/scrobicularia-plana/video-00.xml&type=mov Movie clip of siphon feeding], QuickTime format<ref>[http://www.arkive.org/species/ARK/invertebrates_marine/Scrobicularia_plana/Scrobicularia_plana_00.html?movietype=qtSmall Peppery furrow shell]</ref>

Haricî dosya
Russian map of the operations around Leningrad in 1943. Blue are the German and allied Finnish troops. The Soviets are red.[7]
the sound of a dog barking, from here, retrieved 13.09.2009
Movie clip of siphon feeding, QuickTime format[8]

Mixed content:

{{ Harici medya
| align  = right
| width  = 300px
| image1 = [http://www.ido.edu.ru/ffec/hist/images/H_4.jpg Russian map of the operations around Leningrad in 1943]. Blue are the German and allied Finnish troops. The Soviets are red.<ref>{{Web kaynağı | url = http://www.ido.edu.ru/ffec/hist/h8.html | title = ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ. Тема 8 | publisher = Ido.edu.ru | date =  | accessdate = 2008-10-26 | arşivurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20110719022538/http://www.ido.edu.ru/ffec/hist/h8.html | arşivtarihi = 19 Temmuz 2011}}</ref>
| audio1 = [http://www.wav-sounds.com/various/bark.wav the sound of a dog barking], from [http://www.wav-sounds.com/various_wav_sounds.htm here], ''retrieved 13.09.2009''
| video1 = [http://www.arkive.org/scripts/php/force-download.php?file=BEE7098E-088F-4BB4-B6F0-D2E190E5623C/Presentation.Streams/Presentation_QT_DOWNLOAD.mov&saveas=/data/root/Live/www.arkive.org/htdocs/species/peppery-furrow-shell/scrobicularia-plana/video-00.xml&type=mov Movie clip of siphon feeding], QuickTime format<ref>[http://www.arkive.org/species/ARK/invertebrates_marine/Scrobicularia_plana/Scrobicularia_plana_00.html?movietype=qtSmall Peppery furrow shell]</ref>
  1. ^ Warfare in the Classical World,p. 34f (Greek Hoplite (c.480BC)) p. 67 (Iphicrates reforms)
  2. ^ "Battle of Marathon". Ancient Mesopotamia. 8 Mart 2007 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 2006-12-26. 
  3. ^ http://fcit.usf.edu/florida/photos/historic/dsmem/dsarmor/dsarmo2/dsarmo232.htm
  4. ^ "ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ. Тема 8". Ido.edu.ru. 19 Temmuz 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 2008-10-26. 
  5. ^ "ИТАР-ТАСС :: 60 ЛЕТ ВЕЛИКОЙ ПОБЕДЕ ::" ((Rusça)). Victory.tass-online.ru. 19 Şubat 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 2008-10-26. 
  6. ^ Peppery furrow shell
  7. ^ "ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ. Тема 8". Ido.edu.ru. 19 Temmuz 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 2008-10-26. 
  8. ^ Peppery furrow shell