Kullanıcı kutuları
This user has a global account and the main one is on Commons.
500,000+This user has made more than 500,000 contributions to Wikimedia projects.

Bu kullanıcının Wikimedia Commons'da bir sayfası var.

Bu kullanıcının Vikiveri'da bir sayfası var.

Dieser Benutzer hat eine Seite auf the German Wikipedia.

Bu kullanıcının de-Wikipedia'da bir sayfası var.

This user supports Wiki Loves Earth (WLE).
This user likes weather in Germany.
de-N Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.

Hello, I am from Germany, a country in the middle of Europe.

My interests are mainly geography and landscape/nature topics, especially protected areas.

  • On Commons I often sort photos and try to create a better streamlined category system for protected areas, aerial photographs etc, including multilingual descriptions.
  • On Wikidata (and by related edits on various projects) I help with interwiki link corrections, and try to improve structured data items in various ways.
  • On Wikipedia i edit mainly local/regional articles, protected area lists etc.


  • A really great project is Wiki Loves Earth, an international photographic competition with the subject natural heritage (protected areas). To discover its potentials you can have a look e.g. at my little collections for the German subset of WLE: 2014, 2015 and 2016 (all photos made by other users).
  • Do you like puzzles or tricky riddles? – On Commons we have thousands of good images lacking useful descriptions and categories. Many of them can be found in the various subcategories of unidentified subjects. Here are three examples: maybe you can help with identification?