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fr-N Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
nl-3 Deze gebruiker heeft gevorderde kennis van het Nederlands.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau.
Users by language
It's me.
It's me.

My name is Réginald Hulhoven.

I am living in Veltem-Beisem near Louvain, Belgium. I am both French- and Dutch-speaking. Because of former my occupation I am also practising the English language.

My professional career

I am taking advantage of my retirement to devote myself more intensely to botany.

My passion for botany

Cyclamen hederifolium

Since my adolescence I have a passion for botany. Botany has become in a way a second occupation.

My passion for gardening began about twenty years ago. I have a passion for above all rock plants and botanical bulbs - particularly hardy autumn-flowering bulbs, of which I have about thirty different species - and garden cyclamens. Within this framework I have special contacts with specialised nurseries of botanical bulbs as Verberghe Bloembollen, Rita van der Zalm and De Bolle-Jist, and of perennial plants as Jan Spruyt-Van der Jeugd, and experts as Mark Griffiths and Jan Bravenboer.

I am friend and botanical adviser of Ivo Pauwels - a green author well-known in Dutch-speaking Belgium - whom I have met about ten years ago during a memorable garden tour in Portugal. Shortly thereafter Ivo made an article on my hobby and we progressively became friends. Ivo has said once that my garden - although relatively small - was a living herbarium. I am reviewing and criticising his books and his articles in order to ensure their botanical accuracy.

I have participated with Ivo and other green journalists in garden tours. So, we have visited gardens and natural reserves in Portugal, Madeira, the Canary Islands, France, Wales, Ireland, and Belgium. I have also visited several times the garden fairs, among others that of Beervelde and of Hex.

I have written some botanical articles in Les Jardins d'Eden – De Tuinen van Eden, among others about hardy autumn-flowering bulbs, Araceae, cyclamens, Actaea species and snowflakes, and about the flora of the Pyrenees. I have also been an advisor of botanical books edited by Ludion.

Since February 2007 I am contributing to the French site of Wikipedia, since January 2008 to the Dutch and English sites of Wikipedia and since September 2009 to the German site of Wikipedia.
I have uploaded about 6,000 pictures on Commons. See my uploads. I have also re-classified several categories as, e.g., Cyclamen and Crocus.

Meneerke bloem (English: Mister Flower) is my nickname, given by friends of my future spouse, when I was a student at the University.

Bu kullanıcı küresel hesap oluşturmuş olup ana hesabı [[:w::fr:User:Meneerke bloem |Wikipedia Fr]] üzerindedir.
This user is contributing to the French Wikipedia
This user is contributing to the Dutch Wikipedia
This user is contributing to the English Wikipedia
This user is contributing to the German Wikipedia

Bu kullanıcının Wikimedia Commons'da bir sayfası var.

This user comes from Belgium
This user is a physician
This user's favourite subject is Botany
This user loves autumn-flowering bulbs
This user has a page on Wikispecies