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Çoklu ortam paylaşım

Viki Merkez

Harald the Bard (mesaj) 13.38, 4 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

Ağlamak için Gözden Yaş mı Akmalı?


Ağlamak için gözden yaş mı akmalı? Dudaklar gülerken, insan ağlayamaz mı? Sevmek için güzele mi bakmalı? Çirkin bir tende güzel bir ruh, kalbi bağlayamaz mı? Hasret; özlenenden uzak mı kalmaktır? Özlenen yakındayken hicran duyulamaz mı? Hırsızlık; para, mal mı çalmaktır? Saadet çalmak, hırsızlık olamaz mı? Solması için gülü dalından mı koparmalı? Pembe bir gonca iken gül dalında solmaz mı? Öldürmek için silah, hançer mi olmalı? Saçlar bağ, gözler silah, gülüş, kurşun olamaz mı?

Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 13.59, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla



Sen kocaman çöllerde bir kalabalık gibisin, Kocaman denizlerde ender bir balık gibisin. Bir ısıtır, bir üşütür, bir ağlatır bir güldürür; Sen hem bir hastalık hem de sağlık gibisin

Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 14.02, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla



O eski günlerden Söz etme bana. Efkarım, gönlüme Doldu bu gece. Unut artık beni Bir daha anma. Efkarım, saçımı Yoldu bu gece. Dokunma yarama Dokunma sakın, Aşk Şiirleri /> Kahreden yazıymış Seninle yazım, Gözümdeki yaşı Şarkıma yazdım, Dinleyip, dinleyip Sızdım bu gece! O eski günlerden Bir resmin kaldı. Son defa resmine Baktım bu gece. Bendeki sevdanı Maziye kattım. Resmini, resmimle Yaktım bu gece! Dokunma yarama Dokunma sakın Derdimin dermanı Artık çok yakın. Sevda zincirini Boynuna taktım Bu aşka bir mezar, Kazdım bu gece! Kazdım bu gece..

Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 14.08, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

Should Tears Fall from Eyes to Cry?


Do you have to shed tears to cry? Can't one cry when lips are smiling? Do you have to look beautiful to love? Can't a beautiful soul on an ugly skin bind the heart? Longing; Is it to stay away from the missed? Can't feel the anger when the missed one is near? Theft; Is money stealing property? Can't stealing happiness be theft? Should he pluck the rose from its branch so that it wilts? Doesn't it fade on a rose branch when it's a pink bud? Should a weapon be a dagger to kill? Can't hair be a tie, eyes a gun, a smile, a bullet? Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.19, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla



Don't talk to me about those old days. Efkarim, it's filled my heart tonight. Forget, don't remember me again. Efkarim, he plucked my hair tonight. Don't touch my wound, Don't touch my wound, Love Poems /> It's a hell of a writing, I wrote with you, I wrote the tears in my eyes in my song, I listened, listened and I leaked tonight! You have one picture left from those old days. I looked at your picture for the last time tonight. I added my love to the past. I burned your picture with my picture tonight! Don't touch my wound, don't touch the cure for my trouble It's very close now. I put the chain of love around your neck A grave for this love, I dug tonight! I dug tonight. Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.21, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla



You are like a crowd in huge deserts, You are like a rare fish in huge seas. One warms, one cold, one cries, one laughs; you are like a sicness and like a healthy Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.23, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

Lacrimae ad Clama?


Lacrimas flere ecquid habes? Non potest aliquis clamare, cum rident labia? Pulchra habes amare? Nonne pulchra anima in deformi cute cor ligare potest? Desiderium animae; An abesse ab eo desiderari? An non sentiri potest cum optatum prope est? Furtum; Estne pecunia res furtiva? Furtum non potest esse felicitas furari? Num rosam e ramo vellere ut defluit? Annon defluit in rosae ramum cum gemma rosea est? Utrum telum sit pugio ad occidendum? Non possunt crines ligare, oculi sclopetum, risus, glans? Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.25, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla



Tu velut turba in magnis solitudinibus, Tu es sicut piscis rarus in mari vastis. unus calefacit, unus frigidus, unus clamat, unus ridet; sis quasi morbus et quasi sanus Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.27, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla



Noli mihi de illis antiquis diebus loqui. Efkarim, hac nocte cor meum implevit. Oblivisci, ne iterum me memineris. Efkarim, hac nocte capillos decerpsit. Vulnus meum ne tange, vulnus meum ne tangas, Amor Poems /> Est infernum scriptionis, Scripsi tecum, Lacrimas in oculis meis Carmine scripsi, Audivi, audivi Et hac nocte pertuli! Habes unam picturam ex illis antiquis diebus. Vidi imaginem tuam ad ultimum tempus noctem. Addidi amorem meum in praeteritum. Hanc imaginem tuam cum imagine mea nocte exarsi! Vulnus ne tange, nec remedium negotii tange. Proxumum est nunc. Vinculum amoris posui circa collum tuum sepulcrum amoris huius, fodi hac nocte! Hac nocte fodi. Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.28, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla



Come, my beloved, if you want, come and hurt, If you want to hurt, Don't ask me what's wrong with my heart, Don't ask me what's wrong with my heart, O left half of my heart, I put you on my mind, I didn't get it, I put you in my heart, I can't get enough of you, The love of my throne splits, Love is not as much as you think, but as much as you burn. . Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.31, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla



Veni, dilecte, sis, veni et laede, Si vis laedere, Ne quaere quid mali corde meo, Ne quid mali sit corde meo, Dimidium cordis sinistrum Pono. te in animo non habui, te in corde meo posui, te satis non possum, solii mei amor scindit, non est amor quantum cogitas, sed quantum tu ardes. . Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.33, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

I have to you


I'm obligated to you, you don't know I keep your name in my mind like a hook Your eyes get bigger as you grow You don't know I'm obligated to you I warm my heart with you. The trees are getting ready for autumn. Is this city that old Istanbul? Clouds crumble in the dark. Street lamps are suddenly on. The smell of rain on the sidewalks. I have to, you are missing. To love is sometimes infamously fearful, one gets tired all of a sudden One evening, from living in a prisoner's razor's mouth, Sometimes he breaks his hands, his passion takes a few lives out of his life No matter what door knocks, sometimes the wicked hum of loneliness behind him A poor gramophone plays in Fatih It's a friday from the old times. If I listen I bring you an unused sky Weeks are crumbling in my hands Whatever I do, whatever I hold, wherever I go I'm obligated to you, you're gone Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.38, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

Habeo tibi


Oblitus sum tibi, non nosti nomen tuum servo in animo meo quasi hamo Oculi Tui maiora crescendo. Arbores autumno parant, haec urbs est illa vetus Istanbul? Nubes in tenebris marcent, lucernae in platea subito sunt. Odor pluviae in sidewalks. Amare interdum turpiter horret, Defestat subito vespere, Dum captivus ore novat, Aliquando rumpit manus, Fert amor paucos e vita Quicquid pulsat, modo impius. Solitudo Post eum Pauper grammaphonius ludit in Fatih Veneris a priscis temporibus, Si audiero, hebdomades insuetas caelum affero in manibus meis, Quicquid facio, quidquid teneo, quocunque vado, obligatus sum tibi; vos erant 'absentis Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.40, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

Lacrimae ad Clama?


Lacrimas flere ecquid habes? Non potest aliquis clamare, cum rident labia? Pulchra habes amare? Nonne pulchra anima in deformi cute cor ligare potest? Desiderium animae; An abesse ab eo desiderari? Nonne sentiri potest, cum optata appropinquat? Furtum; Estne pecunia res furtiva? Furtum non potest esse felicitas furari? Num rosam e ramo vellere ut defluit? Annon defluit in rosae ramum cum gemma rosea est? Utrum telum sit pugio ad occidendum? Non possunt crines ligare, oculi sclopetum, risus, glans? Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.43, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

I Think You Are Like Everyone Now


My eyes don't choose love in their eyes I don't love them in my heart I'm tired of them I'm tired of you a little bit Because now I think you're like everyone While I was waiting for your path I'm running away from you secretly today I looked at my heart and here I understood that you are like everyone I don't even have a grudge for I think you're like everyone else now Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.45, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

Puto te velut omnes nunc


Oculi mei amorem in oculis eorum non eligunt nec ab eis amorem in corde meo taedet eos abs te clam fugeret hodie cor meum intuens et hic intellexi te esse sicut omnes mihi ne invideo quidem. Puto te esse sicut ceteri omnes nunc Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.47, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

Amor incipit Sanctus


Pulchra est amor antequam incipit, Excitatio in cordibus Pulchra est, cum timor est in oculis ... Luctantem ne sinat se mutuo notari, Dum non potest ab aliis videri, Cum oculi caerulei Te tangunt oculi mei. .. Amor pulcher antequam incipit.... Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.49, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

Love Begins Beautiful


Love is beautiful before it starts, Excitement in the hearts It is beautiful when there is fear in the eyes... Struggling not to let each other be noticed, Trying not to be seen by others, When my eyes touch the blue of your eyes... Love is beautiful before it starts.... Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.50, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

Age ardet in oculis tuis


Quis est in vobis qui cognoscit me? Ego sum occultus insoluta. Difficile est mihi describere identitatem meam, licet non remaneat, difficile est mihi describere identitatem meam… Philomela canebat lingua mea: Ignem pro rosa anima mea consumpsit, NIVIS in corde meo e Tauro cecidit. Montes, nix ignem meum non exstingui... Ego feci coronam, et thronum exusi Kerem in cinerem, ego sum favilla de qua projectus brahim. montes confossi sunt , /> Meum carpi robur notum est Ferhat , sum virtus , sum potentia , sum fer. peccatum, ego a Deo meo, non sum malus, malus sum… Muhammad creatus est pro me, misericordia imbuta est mihi, amor in verbis Evliya, lux faciei Embiya… Solus sum, Inimicos non habeo. Nec in corpore meo, invisibilis sum, non est corpus meum in imagine mea, non poenitet linguae, una tantum syllaba est in nomine meo, Tegmen meum locus vocatur cor… Meum nomen amor est. Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.55, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

Age Burns in Your Eyes


the oasis of Leyla. In the middle of the desert, the madman falls. The river that goes by banging its head against stone, falls into the sea with a white wedding dress Dynamite explodes in the water; The hunter burns, the net burns With the eyebrow of a ring, the legendary tent burns. The girl fills her glass with Tibetan water, the arrow of revenge remains in the hunter's quiver. The great mountain melts away with Smurf's love, A burning smell remains in its ashes. the patient burns, burns right Karabakh, which remains in the frost of Zemheri, burns. Like dreams that sail to the sea with twisters When you walk, the years become silent, the age burns. A nightingale's wing falls into an arc. Laugh your neck; The garden cries, the vineyard burns Is the Nile flowing or is the mujgan in your eyes? How is that fire? the patient gets up, burns right? Do not look, what happens, the throne collapses, the brick burns; Don't laugh, if you laugh like that, age will light up in your eyes! Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 20.56, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla



Speeches are poems sung to teach the dervishes who have just entered the sect, the degrees of the sect and the manners of the sect.

It is the name given by the Turkmen Alevis and Bektashis to the verse type of folk literature in the minstrel style. The most important representative of the genre is Kaygusuz Abdal.

Characteristics and Examples of Speech Nazım Type 1. These are the poems sung by pirs and masters to advise dervishes who have just entered the sect, to inform them about various issues, and to teach sect degrees and sect etiquette.

2. It is similar to running in terms of shape.

First, tawhid lasts from the language of the murshid He reaches his soul with the bounty of Huda. You will be saved from the hand of the sign He reaches his soul, the bounty of Huda

In the second, he gives lazzatullah They discover the adjective in the moment Hasenat says enough is sin He reaches his soul, the bounty of Huda

In the third read the name ya Hu Don't stand like a strange nightingale and sing Find the Right in your own body He will reach his soul with the bounty of Huda.

May you attain the fourth name May you find the secret of Enal'-Hak Even before you die, you should die He reaches his soul, the bounty of Huda

Come now, even you become a sheikh May you get involved in the way of the saints You dive into the lake of âb-ı life He reaches his soul, the bounty of Huda Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 21.06, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla



Inveniunt adiectivum momento Hasenat satis dicit satis. Animam suam attingit, largitas Huda

In tertio legitur nomen ya Hu Nolite stare sicut lusciniae et cantant Invenire ius in corpore tuo animam suam Huda largitate perveniet.

Sit tibi nomen, quartus Sit tibi secretum Enal'-Hak invenire Etiam antequam moriaris, debes mori Animam suam attingit, largitio Huda

Age nunc, etiam Sheikh fies Vos implicare viam sanctorum Tu in lacum vitae ab- Animam suam attingit, largitio Huda Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 21.09, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla



There is a speech, there is a speech! He is the only one in history ♾️ his name is Mustafa Kemal He does and slurs his victory

There are also many who give speeches without doing it. They throw to destroy

We have only one speech, We are speechless every time we read it.

Atatürk's speech tells about that struggle moment by moment after the victory of a struggle.

Every time we read it, it starts a new struggle inside us. Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 21.12, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla



Est oratio, est oratio! Solus unus est in historia eius nomen est Mustafa Kemal facit et victricia iactat

Multi etiam sunt qui orationes sine opere dicant. Perdere mittunt

Unam tantum orationem habemus; Obmutescimus omni tempore legamus.

Oratio Atatürk de illo certamine momento temporis post victoriam certaminis narrat.

Quotienscumque illud legimus, novum intra nos certamen incipit. Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 21.14, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

Oratio ad dilectum ^^


Dic cor princeps patriae meae; ... dum tam delirus vivo, Num unus ex illis eris, qui eunt? desiderium ... Pelle eam cum tergo manus tuae ...Num aliis regionibus imperabis? Cor meum, terra; Capto sine te ... Solus eris cum morte relictus? Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 21.16, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla

^^ Speech to Beloved ^^


Say heart princess of my country, ...while I live so crazy, Will you be one of those who go? ...longing passion Push it away with the back of your hand ...Will you rule over other countries? O my heart country; ... by capturing him without you Will you be left alone with death? Murat Faruk Kanat (mesaj) 21.18, 18 Eylül 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla